After a lengthy period of silence throughout the second half of 2022, Marvel’s Avengers developer Crystal Dynamics has revealed new content that will be added to the game in November 29’s Update 2.7.
The big news here is that a new hero will be added to the Avengers roster in the form of the Winter Soldier. Starting out as Captain America’s wartime sidekick, James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes escaped captivity and rejoined his friend and allies within the continuity of Marvel’s Avengers.
Crystal Dynamics describes his playstyle as being focused purely on offense, and he mixes the training he received from Captain America and Black Widow with his Winter Soldier indoctrination and cybernetic enhancements to deliver an assault-heavy moveset.

Winter Soldier is voiced by Friday Night Lights’ Scott Porter, who previously voiced Bucky in Lego Marvel’s Avengers. He’ll also have his own heroic mission chain and signature animations, skills, and abilities for players to experiment with. For new game content, Marvel’s Avengers will add another Omega-Level Threat zone called Cloning Lab. Under the control of the resurrected MODOK, Cloning Lab requires players to be at Power Level 175 to enter and will reward them with new high-level gear that raises the power cap to 185.
More details on Update 2.7 will be revealed closer to launch, including a glimpse at Winter Soldier’s backstory, a first look at the Cloning Lab level, outfit reveals, and more. Since it launched back in September of 2020, Marvel’s Avengers has had a slow rollout of substantial content.
The free War for Wakanda campaign arrived in August 2021, and the roster has increased with the addition of a second Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), Black Panther, Spider-Man, and Jane Foster’s Mighty Thor.
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