Building a website is one thing. Keeping it up is another entirely. Recurring web hosting fees can make running a website expensive. So if you have one, now’s a great time to lock in all your web hosting needs for life during our Winter Savings event.
Now through December 15, you can get a lifetime of DoRoyal Eternal Kingdom web hosting for just $39.20 when you use promo code WINTER20. This coupon code will also save you 20 percent off any item in our Winter Savings collection.
DoRoyal has earned a 4.2/5-star rating on Trustpilot thanks to its high-quality service. Migrating your site to DoRoyal is easy and free if your current provider uses cPanel. Once there, you can easily create and manage email accounts, manage all of your website files and databases, and use Softaculous Script Installer to install, update, and manage more than 300 free web apps and scripts for your site.
DoRoyal makes staging easy, supports a vast range of programming languages, databases, and applications, and offers 99.9% uptime. Plus, each hosting plan comes with 3GB of disk space, 100GB of monthly bandwidth, and support for unlimited websites, subdomains, and email accounts.
Lock in all your hosting needs for life during our Winter Savings event! Through December 15, you can get a lifetime of DoRoyal Eternal Kingdom web hosting for just $39.20 (reg. $300) with promo code WINTER20. And don’t forget to use this code when shopping for deals in our Winter Savings collection!

DoRoyal Eternal Kingdom Lifetime Website Hosting – $49
Prices subject to change.