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Apex Legends Season 18 – All Resurrection Battle Pass Cosmetic Skins, Loot, And Rewards

Apex Legends Season 18: Resurrection is now live. In addition to a completely reworked ability set for Revenant, the new season also boasts a new battle pass that’s packed to the brim with 110 levels of stylish, spine-chilling cosmetic skins for legends and weapons alike.

But the Resurrection battle pass has some pretty significant differences from its predecessors. It contains more Apex Packs than previous battle passes, and there have also been some changes made to the placement and implementation of the pass’s two reactive weapon skins, among other high-tier rewards.

Every season’s battle pass contains two Legendary-tier reactive weapons, special skins with animated and/or glowing visual effects that “evolve” as players rack up kills during a match. Resurrection is no different, including two reactive weapon skins for the EVA-8 shotgun. But instead of unlocking the first reactive weapon skin at level 100, the Resurrection battle pass allows players to get their hands on the first skin much earlier, with the EVA-8’s Legendary Heart Of The Divine reactive weapon skin unlocked by simply reaching level 25 of the battle pass.

The second reactive weapon skin, the EVA-8’s Legendary Heart Of Brimstone, is unlocked by reaching level 110, meaning players will still have to grind out those last 10 bonus levels if they want both weapon skins.

One thing that hasn’t changed when it comes to the Resurrection battle pass is the price. As always, the battle pass comes in three forms:

Free: The free Resurrection battle pass is unlocked by default, and, as the name suggests, requires no purchase on the player’s part. The free pass gives players access to limited battle pass rewards, mostly consisting of music packs, transition screens, and stat trackers for various legends.

Premium: Available for 950 AC ($9.50 USD), the standard premium battle pass gives players access to all 110 levels of premium rewards. Players who choose the standard premium Resurrection battle pass will instantly unlock the following items upon purchase:

  • A Gift To The Outlands transition screen
  • 10% XP Boost (increases the amount of XP earned for wins and Top 5 placements, applies to all party members, stackable)
  • Advanced Reign Valkyrie legend skin (Epic)
  • Blood Rush Octane legend skin (Epic)
  • Bad Blood Caustic legend skin (Epic)
  • Vortex Core L-STAR weapon skin (Legendary)

Premium Bundle: The Premium Resurrection Bundle is available for 2,800 AC ($28 USD). Players who purchase this version of the battle pass will receive all the rewards included in the free and premium versions of the battle pass, with the added bonus of immediately unlocking the first 25 levels of the battle pass, granting them instant access to the pass’s Legendary-tier Apex Pack, Mad Maggie’s new Outlawed Tech Legendary skin, the aforementioned Legendary-tier Heart Of The Divine reactive L-STAR weapon skin, and more.

Ultimately, both the premium Resurrection battle pass and the Premium Resurrection Bundle will grant players the exact same rewards–the more expensive option simply gives you access to those rewards much faster than the standard premium pass.

In addition to cosmetic legend and weapon skins, holosprays, stickers, voice quips, music packs, skydive emotes, regular emotes, banner frames, and Season 18 kill count and win count stat trackers for all legends, the Resurrection battle pass also includes other useful goodies, like XP Boosts, Apex Coins, Apex Packs, and Crafting Metals.

XP Boosts provide a 10% bonus to XP received from winning matches and placing in the Top 5. These bonuses stack between party members as well, so if you unlock all of them and play matches with squadmates who have also unlocked all seasonal XP Boosts, you’ll gain a 300% boost to XP from wins and Top 5 placements.

XP Boosts can be found at the following levels: 1, 6, 14, 22, 30, 38, 46, 54, 62, and 70.

Apex Coins (AC) are the game’s premium currency, allowing players to purchase items from Collection Events and the in-game item store. Each battle pass contains enough AC to purchase the next season’s battle pass, so technically, once you buy one Apex Legends battle pass, all future passes will effectively pay for themselves (unless you spend the AC on something else, obviously). But the Resurrection battle pass includes more than the usual 1,000 Apex Coins, leaving players with enough AC to purchase a premium Legendary-tier Collection Event cosmetic item, should they wish to do so.

Apex Coins come in sets of 100 (equivalent to $1 USD) and can be found at the following levels: 3, 5, 13, 69, 77, 78, 85, 86, 93, 94, 97, and 100 (x2).

Crafting Metals can be used to craft Collection Event items, craft items from the evergreen cosmetic pool, or unlock recolored versions of Legendary-tier weapon and legend skins.

Crafting Metals come in sets of 120, and can be found at the following levels: 4, 12, 21, 29, 37, 45, 53, 61, 68, 76,

Apex Packs are randomized loot boxes that, when opened, will unlock three random items from the evergreen cosmetic pool. Each pack also has a small chance of unlocking a set of Heirloom Shards as well, which can be used to purchase rare Mythic-tier items like Heirloom Weapon Sets and Prestige Skin Sets.

Apex Packs can be found at the following levels: 5 (Legendary), 7 (x2), 21, 20, 39, 55, 61, 66, 77, 79, 84, 85, 92, and 99 (Epic).

Players who complete the entire Resurrection battle pass will earn a total of:

  • 100% XP Boost for wins and Top 5 placements
  • 1,300 Apex Coins (equivalent to $13 USD)
  • 1,200 Crafting Metals
  • 13 Rare-tier Apex Packs
  • 1 Epic-tier Apex Pack
  • 1 Legendary-tier Apex Pack

With a total of 15 Apex Packs, the Resurrection battle pass contains more of the coveted triangular loot boxes than any previous battle pass.

Keep scrolling for an up-close-and-personal look at all the cosmetic items and rewards included in the Season 18 battle pass, and stay tuned for more Apex Legends news as the season unfolds.



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